Deep Yoga Stretch
  • Mar. 21, 2022

Lazy Yogi's Guide to Deep Yoga Stretch

Getting ready for the office in a frenzy during the morning has a bad effect on your stress levels. Ever thought about including a little bit of intentional movement in your daily mornings? You should give deep yoga stretch a serious try. It is the best way to give your mornings a positive start.

The deep yoga stretching in the early morning helps you enter a state of wakefulness from that of sleep. Let us find out what deep yoga stretch does that.

Deep Yoga Stretch During Early Morning

The deep yoga stretch improves muscle flexibility. Deep sleep causes your muscle to tighten up. Daily stretching improves your body's blood circulation and deals with stress. This stiffness is most common when you wake up in the morning.

But, there is a lot more it does. Keep reading to find out what this does for your body.

Benefits of Early Morning Deep Yoga Stretch

Given below are 6 major benefits of deep yoga stretch for your body.

1. Improves Fluid Circulation

Do you know that accumulation of too much fluid is a cause of muscle injury?

According to several medical studies, lying down has an impact on fluid distribution in your body. It is gravity that pulls the body fluid towards your head, neck, and spine. The deep yoga stretch after a night of deep sleep helps send these fluids back to their original position. In other words, stretching helps reset the human fluid distribution.

Without proper stretching, the muscles become tight. This leads to more pain and sometimes it becomes unbearable.

2. Improves the Nervous System

Daily stretching is your brain's way of bringing alignment to your body. Confused? Let us explain.

Your nervous system comprises of Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). This handles involuntary activity like controlling your heart rate and digestive process. The deep yoga stretch reboots your PNS.

It speeds up your body's other processes in the background. This keeps you alert and awake during the day. For example, when you stretch, it increases your heart rate and pumps blood to the muscles.

3. Improves Body Posture

A major benefit of stretching is it improves your body posture. This is helpful if you sit in front of a computer for the majority of the time. There are some yoga exercises you can do to become more flexible and robust.

4. Keeps You Active

The deep yoga stretch activates the important muscles in your body. It improves blood and oxygen supply in your body and brain. In the long run, this keeps you focused and on the go throughout the day.

To enjoy these benefits, you have to practice the right yoga exercises.

Best Deep Yoga Stretch Exercises

Given below are 6 deep yoga stretch you can do in the early morning.

1. Child's Pose

The Child's pose is an excellent deep yoga stretch that helps you connect with your breath. It helps you release all tension from your lower back and hips. Let us check out which muscle groups this yoga exercise works on.

Muscle Groups Worked:
  • Lats
  • Lower back
  • Hips

Happy Baby Pose

The Happy Baby pose is an effective yoga stretch you can do in the early morning. This gives your lower back and hips a gentle stretch. Given below are the muscle groups this pose works on.

Muscle Groups Worked:
  • Hips
  • Inner thighs
  • Lower back

3. Cat-Cow Pose

The Cat-Cow pose helps warm up your body. This deep yoga stretch also gives your spine a gentle stretch. It engages the core muscles and opens the chest.

Muscle Groups Worked:
  • Erector Spinae
  • Serratus Anterior
  • Abdominals

4. Chair Pose

Chair pose strengthens your legs, back, and shoulders. This is an excellent deep yoga stretch to test your body balance.

Also Read: Yoga In Rishikesh

Muscle Groups Worked:
  • Abdominals
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Gluteus medius
  • Delts
  • Triceps
  • Erector Spinae

5. Cobra Pose

The Cobra pose gives your abs, chest, and shoulders a gentle stretch. This deep yoga stretch also strengthens your arms and butt.

Muscle Groups Worked:
  • Hamstrings
  • Lats
  • Triceps
  • Abdominals
  • Glutes

6. Triangle Pose

The best yoga exercise to stretch your hips, shoulders, knees, ankles, thighs, and hamstrings. Out of all the deep yoga stretches, this one loosens tight muscles in your body.

Muscle Groups Worked:
  • Hamstrings
  • Groins
  • Hips
  • Ankles
  • Glutes

Do you want to get rid of morning stiffness? Join a certified yoga school to practice the best deep yoga stretch under the guidance of experienced yoga teachers.


The deep yoga stretch helps you get up in the morning. Daily practice keeps you active and ready to take on the day's challenges with ease.

Also Read: Eight Limbing of Ashanga Yoga